Friday, August 17, 2012

Lesson #3: The Power of Prayer

After 3 agonizing days of waiting with high stress and short tempers we have finally heard our pathology results. (Okay, so 3 days isn’t that long, but it felt like forever since we found the stupid thing.) Although we had been phone in hand for the past couple days waiting for this call, it came at a time neither Wayne nor I could answer it, of course. The nurse was kind enough to leave a message on one of our phones. Moment of truth…. Does it say give us a call back, or good news….

“This is Nancy Nurse, who really cares, form a four word long clinic taken over by Regional Health Systems, yadda yadda…. Calling about Lucas’ pathology results. (AND… spit it out already!) His tumor was benign. (THANK GOD!!!) That’s a good one.” she says. And whatever else was on the message went unheard as the happy dance immediately followed.

If you are unfamiliar with benign tumors, here are a couple of links with simple terms:

We have an appointment next week to check his wound and stitches, then we should be done with this. We may even get the little water bug into some more water before the end of the summer!
Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers!

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